
Policy Statement on Accreditation

Taken from the AACS Accreditation Manual, pg. 24

In keeping with the definition of accreditation that is given above [pg. 24 of the manual], the American Association of Christian Schools has officially adopted the following policy statement:

  • Quality in educational programming offered by Christian schools is essential for the continued growth and effectiveness of Christian education in the United States. Scriptures give many reasons for ensuring quality in any ministry: "Iron sharpeneth iron" (Proverbs 27:17); "walk honestly toward" (I Thessalonians 4:12); and "have a good report of them that are without" (I Timothy 3:7). Accreditation is one means of self-improvement that promotes quality and a positive Christian. Schools choosing to work toward improvement in some other way will not be viewed as substandard.
  • The American Association of Christian Schools believes its accreditation program should be promoted. It is based upon a system of voluntary self-improvement and peer review using criteria that are generally accepted as indicators of quality.
  • Such a program should allow for the uniqueness of individual schools and encourage reciprocity with state associations in meeting and applying the accepted criteria.
  • Realizing that the decision to participate in the Association's accreditation program is the option of each school, accreditation should never be viewed as a test for fellowship or membership in the AACS. It will not be used by the Association as an instrument to impose its will upon Christian school
  • The Association never wants its accreditation program or its membership to be used to determine the right of any school to operate or exist.

Some Helpful Documents and Links

Path and Procedures
Standards for Accreditation
Fees and Expenses
Accredited Schools List

Teacher Certification Information

Questions about AACS Accreditation?

Contact MSAACS Regional Director, Matt Ticzkus.