
Our academic testing competition is available to all MSAACS schools, even if they are not able to attend our March and May competitions.  Every school is encouraged to get involved!

Who: Students in Grades 3-12

Registration Window: January 2-13, 2025 (scroll down for information on how to order)

Testing Window: January 14-February 11, 2025

Location: On your campus via TestPoint

How to Participate

  1. Go here to register. You are also able to see all the tests that are available.
  2. Testing is available for Elementary (grades 3-6), Junior High (grades 7-8) and Senior High (grades 9-12).
  3. The registration window is January 2-13 for 2025.  All students must be registered during this window.  You may register at anytime during the registration window.
  4. Plan to register and pay for all of your school's tests at the time of registration..
  5. When registering, please select "Mid-South American Association of Christian Schools" as your association.
  6. Be sure that the person overseeing the testing receives the confirmation email with instructions.
  7. Plan for all students to test January 14-February 11, 2025. 
  8. All sections of a test must be taken at the same time on your campus.  For example, all 3rd grade math tests must be taken at the same time.  Please schedule your testing accordingly.
  9. Winners will be announced in March (at Junior High/Senior High Competition) and May (Elementary Competition).